dog fight

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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february 5
lilycove city
demi bisexual
5'4'' height
5'4'' height
why didn't you stop me?
49 posts
cassidy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cassidy
dog fight
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 7:06:01 GMT
cassidy Avatar
there is a common saying that cassidy likes to think of. it goes like this:

everyday is a new opportunity.

sometimes it ends with for a better tomorrow—as in, so long as the sun rose, you had the power in your hands to change your future. but for someone like her, who had long since averted her gaze from the sun's rays, cassidy saw the phrase in a different light:

the different light being a stray pokeball, forgotten and alone.

the ball was clean and looked well taken care of. in honesty, it had probably just been an accident, the stray brush or a faulty pokeball belt. the owner would eventually come back to look for it after realizing that it was gone. and so she picks it up and puts it in her pocket instead.

she takes her time toiling some time away, unwilling to release the pokemon so soon after she'd taken it; at dusk, cassidy finally settles herself in the outskirts of mauville, making sure that she was alone before opening the pokeball.

what kind of pokemon would she find?

to her surprise, it's a pokemon she recognizes. grey body and dark shaggy fire, red eyes that stare at her with snarling teeth. it was a mightyena; but morever, it was sevatian beau's mightyena.

a former coworker. now a potential enemy if she didn't play her cards right.

in the least, she had been friendly to beau's pokemon, and the mightyena only looked confused and not hostile even though it was originally an intimidator.

"hi duchess." she greets, reaching to pet her behind the ears.

knowing beau, it was only a matter of time before he'd catch her. with dogs like him, he could find one of his own anywhere. and knowing him, he would.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
43 posts
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
dog fight
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2024 18:59:33 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
the outfit for today is unimportant so let's go over it quickly.

the shirt: a tattered oversized t-shirt purposefully torn around the collar.

the pants: somewhat tattered baggy jeans with the knees purposefully worn and giving out.

the shoes: chucks of the same status as both the shirt and pants.

the accessories: a silver chain wallet and a single gold stud earring.

the shoot was “down on the street” where Sevastian was to wear something that appeared inconspicuous from the modern man. he’d say it's more trashy than anything and began making adjustments before the shoot, but an urge forced him to check up on his belongings.

Phone, Wallet, Earbuds, Glasses, Pokeba-

he paused, and then proceeded into a tizzy, tearing the set up looking for and calling out for his lost pokemon. it wasn’t long until he released his Mabosstiff and turned on his pokeball tracker, fully abandoning his post to look for his lost pokemon.

his gait not once slowed as he followed the Mabosstiff with the same ferocity she had when she caught onto the Mightyena’s scent.

there was a moment where the Mabosstiff went into an aggressive stance, a low growl sounding in her throat as she slowed, but it was only when she had caught onto a familiar scent that her embers cooled. she was relaxed as if she were in the same company as her owner and slowly rounded the corner, a light “Wuff” accompanying as the two dogs eagerly circled Cassidy, sniffing her up and down, licking her palm when she left it idle.

Sevastian was a mirror of the Mabosstiff, once tense, now lax, as he eyes the former starlet.

Cass…” he signed a breath of relief “Had me stressed out for nothing.

she must have recognized that the ball was his and kept it safe. which only begs the question why she didn’t give him a call sooner… whatever, she's a friend.

What are you doing here so late? Heard it's dangerous around here after dark.



it's a long life full of long nights

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